TP 2: Effects of enzyme additives on the digestibility of amino acids and starch in broiler chickens and turkeys


Digestibility of amino acids in cereals as a major component in diets for broilers can vary greatly, depending on cereal species and batch. A major effect is caused by the antinutritive acting soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). These negative effects can be reduced by specific enzymes in food additives. Also the precaecal digestibility of starch and therefore the energy value of corn are not always the same. In the framework of this subproject measurements were carried out with broiler chickens and turkeys according to standardized procedures to determine the precaecal digestibility of amino acids and starch from wheat. Furthermore, the effect of the addition of NSP-degrading enzymes on the digestibility was examined. On the basis of chemical and analytical characteristics of the grain (Z-project) it was investigated whether correlations exist to the measured digestibility and estimation equations can be derived. The project is closely linked to the subprojects 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.


Subproject leader

Privatdozent Dr. Holger Kluth

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg